Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet Rich


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a component of a patient’s own blood (the plasma portion) with the red and white cells removed and the platelets concentrated into the plasma itself. Platelets are a natural source of many growth factors and other peptides that signal the surrounding cells to repair damaged tissue and regenerate new, younger tissue. This helps to facilitate healing, stimulate growth of new cells, and regenerate aging vascular and glandular tissues. Because of this, we use PRP to help speed healing after laser resurfacing procedures such as the HALO; to regenerate hair growth on the scalp in people with hair loss; to improve erectile dysfunction and sexual sensation via the P-Shot; and to improve vaginal dryness, urinary stress incontinence, and sexual sensation and function via the O-Shot.

There is no risk of allergic reaction or other adverse reaction to the injection of PRP or the application of PRP to the skin, because we only use each patient’s own PRP for their procedure. Your blood is drawn with a tiny needle and collected into a test tube, which is then placed in a centrifuge and spun, separating the PRP from the rest of the blood. We then draw the PRP out of the tube, discarding the other blood products. Your blood never leaves the room you are in.

Hair Restoration

A Non-Surgical Alternative for Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss using Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy.
Male and female hair loss is a genetic problem that can leave many men and women feeling frustrated and helpless. Options like prescription medications are often partially effective and have the potential of unwanted side effects. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for hair restoration involves simple injections of your own platelets into the vascular layer of your scalp.
Because your platelets contain growth factors that signal your tissue to regenerate, by injecting your own PRP into your scalp, new blood vessels are produced that feed and regenerate the hair follicles, regrowing hair and decreasing hair loss. This also increases the thickness of the hair shaft and helps to control the hair growth cycle to trigger and maintain the growth phase.
We will do a consultation to see if you are a good candidate for PRP Hair Restoration. If so, treatment regimens typically consist of 4 monthly treatments followed by maintenance treatments approximately every 4-6 months thereafter.


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