Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser Skin


The Sciton Laser has multiple modalities that can be used to achieve desired results, whether the goal is to improve skin tone, skin texture, reduce or remove age spots and small vessels, remove sun damage, decrease skin cancer risk, or to treat specific skin issues such as acne scarring. Laser settings are individualized to the needs of each specific patient and condition as well as each patient’s particular goals for his or her skin health and appearance.

Laser Peel

Laser Peels can be done at depths as little as 4 microns to more significant depths, depending on the degree of damage being treated and the goal of the particular treatment. Nanopeels (4-10 microns) are excellent for improving skin tone and smoothness, removing the outer layer of dead skin cells, and leaving the skin refreshed, with little to no “down time”. Micropeels (11-50 microns) penetrate further, removing more skin, thereby achieving greater improvements in skin texture and decreasing small lines and wrinkles, but do require slightly more healing time. We can recommend the best option for you based on your particular goals.

Profractional Laser

The Sciton Laser’s Profractional module uses a technique in which the laser drills tiny microscopic holes in the skin, leaving the surrounding skin areas untouched and undamaged. This allows new skin to grow up through those holes, lending strength and youthfulness to the skin. This works particularly well for acne scarring and other scarred areas of the skin, as it allows new skin to grow up into those scarred areas, filling them in and smoothing them out. The depth and numbers of holes are set for each individual patient, based on their specific issues and goals.


The Sciton Laser’s HALO combines the best of both laser modalities, using both ablative and nonablative laser wavelengths in combination. The nonablative laser removes skin with heat, much like the laser peel described above, while the ablative laser drills microscopic holes, much like the profractional module described above, allowing new skin to grow and improving texture and tone. Through this, small lines and wrinkles are lessened, sun damage is removed, and the skin cancer risk is decreased. Age spots and small vessels caused by age and sun damage are also reduced or removed. This hybrid laser technology allows for fasting healing and significantly shorter down time. To learn more and to view before and after photos, visit

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP is a component of a patient’s own blood (the plasma portion) with the red and white cells removed and the platelets concentrated into the plasma itself. Platelets are a natural source of many growth factors and other peptides that signal the surrounding cells to repair damaged tissue and regenerate new, younger tissue. This helps to facilitate healing, stimulate growth of new cells, and regenerate aging vascular and glandular tissues. Learn More.